I took these macro photos at the National Museum of Scotland a few weeks ago… on my mobile phone! I shared them on Instagram, but forgot to share them here.

Amazingly they were taken with a cheap piece of kit from Amazon (since discovering it’s usefulness  and the quality of images it can help produce, I’ve been buying them for friends and family as gifts). Due to nerve damage in my arms, I have trouble carrying and using a DSLR and heavy lenses now, but these lenses and attachment are so easy to pop into any handbag, and I always have my phone with me.

Mobile Phone Macro Lens Kit || Nicki MacRae Art BLOG

Scroll through the images below (watch out for the one that is a video – click to play it)… Can you guess what any of them are? The crystals are a bit obvious, but maybe some of the others are trickier? Leave a comment below if you can figure any of them out (and I’ll let you know if you are right)…

A post shared by Nicki MacRae (@nicki_macrae) on

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