
A selection of my art and photography from over the last 15+ years.

More recently, my work has had a strong bias towards using digital media to create. This is due to a brain condition that I have (low inter cranial volume / Intercranial Hypotension) that means my body can often not tolerate being in an upright position. Working with traditional media whilst lying very flat and still in bed is somewhat problematic, however I do keep a studio space and use it when I can.

Generally my digital and traditional media work run concurrently and share similar interests, subject matter and broadly similar processes, cross-pollinating each other.

When I’m able to be up and exercise, I’m always taking photographs, and I’ve managed to maintain this arm of my creative practice – though these days I exclusively use an iPhone as my camera, as I’m able to carry and operate a DSLR. Rathe than finding this a hinderance, I enjoy creating within these parameters.