I don’t think I have shared this piece, although I may have shared a photo of me painting it… It’s a piece I was asked to do on site at Ness of Bodgar by one of the archaeolgists, for research and experimental purposes. Fiona had the exciting idea to compare archaeological recording (‘planning’) with artistic recording. We both worked on the same area of the site to record what we saw using our own methodology. It was very interesting for me as I realised I have a completely different way of working to an archaeologist – I am selective in what I record, I feel no obligation to have to record every thing I see, I can use artistic license, I add drama and reduce compositional clutter, I deal with depth in very diferent ways, and can freely use colour (and sometimes even develop ‘colour launguages’ within certain works that bear only a partial link to actuality or ‘reality’… Fiona is currently making comparisions to her own plans and writing a piece on her research, which I will be really interested to read! I promise to post some more about this…
‘Drawing 501: Structure 21, NOB’
Mixed media on canvas board
24 x 18″