Poem – Blue and White Pottery

POETRY Blue & White Pottery Fourteen tiny pottery piecesall arranged in artful alignment.Remeberence of endless hours,imperceptible strides in mental silence.Of eyes made dry and hands made wet,glistening promise and rewarded faith.My heart swells with these ragged scraps,a palmful of patterns on parts of plates. by Nicki MacRae, January 2022

Poem – An Ode to a Tubeworm

POETRY An Ode to a Tubeworm Oh Spirobranchus triqueter,if my education had been betterI would have known your moniker,as given by some past chronicler.But instead I quietly observedthe rough ridges on your roving curves.Perhaps we all should build a caveto shield our softness from life’s waves? by Nicki MacRae, January 2023. See the instagram post …

The Clootie Well

The Clootie Well

Ever visited a clootie well? Even if you don’t believe in magic – they are pure visual magic! Clootie Wells are spots where ancient customs prevail. They are found in the Celtic corners of the UK and centre on a natural spring, usually surrounded by trees. Through history people have visited these special wells in …

Mark Making - Nicki MacRae, Artist

Mark Making

My aim for 2018 is to get back to the process… To drive down deeper into the practice, pick apart the conscious actions in order to loose myself more in the subconscious actions. “Do it for the process” The first exercise I set myself was to work at mark making, with the aim of loosening …

Nicki MacRae's Art Studio in the January Snow

Studio in the Snow

The usual snows have fallen in January. It’s been a good test for the studio, and specifically the thermal qualities of the structure and the load of snow on the roof. I’m pleased to say nothing has sagged or leaked, and after a blast with the heaters, the space warms up nicely (and retains heat …

New Art Studio in Progress - Nicki MacRae Art

Building a new Art Studio

Whilst I’m currently taking a health-related break from making art commercially, I’ve been creative in another way with an exciting project – designing a new art studio space, which my talented, handy-with-a-saw husband has been patiently building for me in our garden. My old studio was tucked into the eves of our home. A cramped, …

Sky Art Landscape Artist of the Year 2016

Tears and TV

I’m just posting this to say I’m sorry folks, I’m having to shut-up shop for a while (you might have noticed the little grey messages at the top of all the pages). Alas, things are still not good on the health front… After getting my inter-cranial pressures back to normal, after a year of saggy-brain-shinanigens (it’s …