Poem – Blue and White Pottery

POETRY Blue & White Pottery Fourteen tiny pottery piecesall arranged in artful alignment.Remeberence of endless hours,imperceptible strides in mental silence.Of eyes made dry and hands made wet,glistening promise and rewarded faith.My heart swells with these ragged scraps,a palmful of patterns on parts of plates. by Nicki MacRae, January 2022

Poem – An Ode to a Tubeworm

POETRY An Ode to a Tubeworm Oh Spirobranchus triqueter,if my education had been betterI would have known your moniker,as given by some past chronicler.But instead I quietly observedthe rough ridges on your roving curves.Perhaps we all should build a caveto shield our softness from life’s waves? by Nicki MacRae, January 2023. See the instagram post …